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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing, Instagram, Instagram Reels, Social Media, TikTok, YouTube

Instagram Reels Specs: Video Size Ratios, Safe Zones and Optimization Tips

Instagram Reels — Feed View One of the nice benefits of Instagram Reels is that you can also choose to show your Reels to your followers in the standard Instagram Feed. In most cases, I recommend that you take this option. But when you do, you need to understand that the default view is not […]
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Digital Marketing, Instagram, Instagram Reels, Social Media, TikTok, YouTube

Why You Need To Make Short Vertical Videos Now

Why Instagram Reels, TikTok and YouTube Shorts Should be your priority now! STOP what you are doing and focus on Instagram Reels! More specifically, the time is now to learn about and get great at short vertical videos. This is a format most credit Vine for creating, but TikTok has made it the talk of […]
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Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Local Marketing

Marketing to Musicians on Facebook

What we learned running over 100 million Facebook Ads Per Year

As a marketing agency that specializes in marketing to musicians, we get a unique insight into what musicians want. Each month we run well over 10 million ad impressions on Facebook and Instagram that specifically target musicians. Thanks to our varied customer base, that included some ads targeting musicians by specific instrument and others that […]
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Digital Marketing, Facebook

The Secret to Discounts on Facebook Ads

6 Tactics to Increase Your Facebook Ad Relevance Score

Would you like a 20% off coupon to buy Facebook ads? Facebook does offer nice discounts to smart advertisers, but it does not come in the form of a coupon. Rather, discounts are all about how you manage what Facebook calls Ad Relevance. To quote Facebook directly, “People prefer to see ads that are relevant […]
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Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Local Marketing, Social Media, YouTube

Digital Ads for Music Stores: Where & Why

Running the right ads in the right places for the right reasons

We are in an exciting time for music retailers. Never have there been so many tools for you to reach your target customers affordably. In many cases, the biggest challenge is too many options and understanding which to use and when. Understanding the key ad platforms and how they can best be utilized for marketing […]
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