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Services – Social Media Strategy

Helping Businesses Find The Right Way To Use Social Media

Social Media Strategy

We can create a custom strategy for your business

Should you be on Snapchat? Should your brand focus on growing followers on Facebook? On which social network should you spend the most time, effort, and money? These are questions that most businesses are wrangling with.

We work with businesses to set goals and develop a specific social media plan. The Amplify 11 social media strategy consulting service provides you with the help and guidance needed to forge the correct plan. We train you and your team and offer ongoing services to make sure that you stay on track.

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Defining Your Strategy

Our approach to setting a strategy starts with a discovery phase to understand your business goals and where your customers are. Most businesses want to use social media to augment what they do but only have a limited amount of time to invest in such a goal.

We right-size a plan for you.

By studying your business and market opportunity, we can help you set realistic goals for your social media efforts. With those goals defined the next step is to find the most efficient approach to executing your plan. We give you insights on all of the best available tools for managing your social media and can train you and your team in how to use those tools. We come alongside and help you with the content plan, brand voice, and growth efforts. We would love to talk to you about finding the right plan to help you succeed.

We offer a free, no-obligation social media assessment. All it takes is a 30-minute call to allow us to better understand your goals and business direction. Following that call, we will review your social media presence, competitive environment, and market opportunities. We will share with you the results, which will include a summary overview, insights on the available opportunities, and our strategy for helping you leverage them. We look forward to helping you find the best path to social media success.

Social Media Content

Need some help with what you post on social media? At Amplify 11, we can help create a plan specific to your needs. We have a full in-house photography offering with a team that has experience specific to what works best on social media. Work with our video team to create videos that thrive on social media, or just have us re-edit your existing videos to increase the value of content in which you have already invested. We can also help you with creating a posting schedule, developing copy for posts and researching the best hashtags and terms for you to use. Let’s work together to make sure that you have a great social media presence.

Get A Free, No Obligation Social Media Consultation

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